
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
make install

You can edit redis configuration by edit etc/redis/redis.conf file.

Execute and test Redis

  • Execute redis server
    $ redis-server

  • Test redis server

$ redis-cli ping


Work with redis in CLI

  1. Execute redis-cli

Add Key Value

SET key value

Get Value

GET key

Return : Value

Get list of all keys

key *

Get list of all values of All Keys

  1. Get list with radis-cli
echo 'keys YOURKEY*' | redis-cli | sed 's/^/get /' | redis-cli
  1. Get list with redis database dumper
rdd -v

Start, Stop and Restart Redis

/etc/init.d/redis-server restart
/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
/etc/init.d/redis-server start

Data Storage Type

With restart redis server, stored data will be accessibale

Reserved TCP Ports

Default Port Description
6379 Port for connecting to redis server


Redis Quick Start

Reading time: 1 min


  1. Download From official website
  2. Extract in /opt/ path
  3. start server
  1. Execute CLI

The Property Graph Model

The property graph contains connected entities (the nodes) which can hold any number of attributes (key-value-pairs). Nodes can be tagged with labels representing their different roles in your domain. In addition to contextualizing node and relationship properties, labels may also serve to attach metadata—​index or constraint information—​to certain nodes.

Relationships provide directed, named semantically relevant connections between two node-entities. A relationship always has a direction, a type, a start node, and an end node. Like nodes, relationships can have any properties. In most cases, relationships have quantitative properties, such as weights, costs, distances, ratings, time intervals, or strengths. As relationships are stored efficiently, two nodes can share any number or type of relationships without sacrificing performance. Note that although they are directed, relationships can always be navigated regardless of direction.

Create Node

CREATE (john:Person:Author { name : 'John LE Cane' })
CREATE (lane:Person { name : 'Lane LE Cane' })
CREATE (tinker:Book { title : 'Tinker Tailor, Soldier, Spy' })

Create Relationship

CREATE (john)-[:WROTE]->(tinker)
CREATE (lane)-[:PURCHASED {date: “03-02-2011”}]->(tinker)

Query Data

MATCH (person:Person { name:'John LE Cane' })
RETURN person

Query All Data


Data Storage

After restart noe4j server, all saved data are still accessible

Reserved TCP Ports

Default Port Description
7474 Management Web Server
1337 remote shell


Neo4j Manual
Neo4j Graph Database

Reading time: 1 min


  1. Copy Download link in and download installation package.

  2. Extract package in /opt/ path

  3. Create /data/db/ directory
  4. Start Server
sudo ./opt/mongo/bin/mongod
  1. Execute Shell
sudo ./opt/mongo/bin/mongo
  1. Show all Data Bases
show dbs
  1. Use database
use db_name
  1. Add document to collection
db.collection_name.insert({key: “value” , key2: “value2”})
  1. Get document values
db.collection_name.find({key: “value”})
  1. Show collections
show collections
  1. Get all documents of collection

Data Storage

With restart server, data are still stored

Reserved TCP Ports

Default Port Description
27017 The default port for mongod and mongos instances. You can change this port with port or –port.
27018 The default port when running with –shardsvr runtime operation or the shardsvr value for the clusterRolesetting in a configuration file.
27019 The default port when running with –configsvr runtime operation or the configsvr value for the clusterRolesetting in a configuration file.
28017 The default port for the web status page. The web status page is always accessible at a port number that is 1000greater than the port determined by port.


Monogo DB web site

Reading time: 1 min

Installatin Steps

wget -O aerospike.tgz ''
tar -xvf aerospike.tgz
cd aerospike-server-community-*-ubuntu12*
sudo ./asinstall # will install the .rpm packages
sudo service aerospike start

Write Key Value

ascli put

ns the namespace for the record being written.
The set is the set for the record being written.
The key is the key for the record being written. It can be either an > integer or string.
The record is a JSON object representing the record to be written. The JSON object’s keys are the bin names and the value are bin values.

Reading Key Value

ascli get

Reading All Values

  1. Enter aql command in terminal
  2. Enter bellow query
select * from

Start, Stop and Restart aerospike service

sudo service aerospike start
sudo service aerospike stop
sudo service aerospike restart

Data Storage

after restart service, all stored data will be cleaned.

Reserved TCP Ports

Name Default Port Description
Service 3000 Application, Tools, and Remote XDR use the Service port for database operations and cluster state.
Fabric 3001 Intra-cluster communication port. Replica writes, migrations, and other node-to-node communications use the Fabric port.
Mesh Heartbeat 3002 Heartbeat protocol ports are used to form and maintain the cluster. (Only one heartbeat port may be configured.)
Multicast Heartbeat 9918 Heartbeat protocol ports are used to form and maintain the cluster. (Only one heartbeat port may be configured.)
Info 3003 Telnet port that implements a plain text protocol for administrators to issue info commands. For more information, see asinfo documentation.
XDR Service1 3004 (Optional) Port to query health state of the Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR) client.


Aerospike Install
Aerospike Networks

  1. Ensure that all Application and XDR nodes can communicate to the service port on all Aerospike nodes. Also ensure that each node can communicate over the configured heartbeat and fabric ports. 
Reading time: 1 min
Name Aerospike Redis MongoDB Neo4j
Description Flash-optimized In-memory NoSQL Database In-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker One of the most popular document stores Open source graph database
Database model Key-value store Key-value store Document store Graph DBMS
License Open Source – Apache and AGPL Licenses; open sourced in June 2014; commercial Enterprise Edition available Open Source – BSD 3-Clause, commercial license available Open Source – AGPL version3, Commercial Licence available Open Source – AGPL version3, Commercial Licence available
Implementation language C C C++ Java
Server operating systems Linux BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows Linux, OS X, Solaris, Windows Linux, OS X, Windows
Data scheme schema-free schema-free schema-free, Although schema-free, documents of the same collection often follow the same structure schema-free
Typing yes partial => Supported data types are strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets, bit arrays, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes yes => string, integer, double, boolean, date, object_id yes
Secondary indexes yes no yes yes => pluggable indexing subsystem, by default Apache Lucene
SQL no no no no
APIs and other access methods proprietary protocol proprietary protocol using JSON Cypher query language, Java API, RESTful HTTP API
Supported programming languages C, C#, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript (Node.js), Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby C,C#,C++,Clojure,Crystal,D,Dart,Elixir,Erlang,Fancy,Go,Haskell,Haxe,Java,JavaScript (Node.js),Lisp,Lua,MatLab,Objective-C,OCaml,Perl,PHP,Prolog,Pure Data,Python,R,Rebol,Ruby,Rust,Scala,Scheme,Smalltalk,Tcl Actionscript, C, C#, C++, Clojure, ColdFusion, D, Dart, Delphi, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, MatLab, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby, Scala ,Smalltalk .Net, Clojure, Go, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala
Server-side scripts user defined functions Lua JavaScript yes
Triggers no no no yes
Partitioning methods Sharding Sharding Sharding none
Replication methods selectable replication factor Master-slave replication Master-slave replication Master-slave replication
Consistency concepts Eventual Consistency in cross-datacenter configuration and Immediate Consistency in local cluster configuration Eventual Consistency Eventual Consistency, Immediate Consistency Eventual Consistency configurable in High Availability Cluster setup, Immediate Consistency
In-memory capabilities yes yes yes no
Durability (data storage) yes yes => Configurable mechanisms for persistence via snapshots and/or operations logs yes => optional yes
Horizontal salable yes yes Yes, with sharding No (Community), Yes (Enterprise)
Data storage RAM,SSD Volatile memory, File System Volatile memory, File System local (community), Data,Persisted to Disk,Volatile memory,Memory-Mapped File (Enterprise)
Memory minimum 2 GB 3 GB depends on several factors 2 GB (Enterprise)
Value size max. 1 MB 512 MB 16 MB 34 B(comunity), 1 TB (Enterprise)
Reading time: 2 min